
Reverse Coffee

The passion for good coffee

Reversecoffee's origins have rich historical roots. Imagine a small town, Cherasco, in 1776; it is right here that Napoleon signed the armistice on 28th April to end hostilities between the French Republic and the Kingdom of Sardinia. Think of the people and sense the enthusiasm in the air. A few years later, in 1841, Mr Bino Matteo, a Genoese gentleman, opens in the centre of Cherasco a café called "Il Caffè della Pace" (The Peace Coffee), in memory of the events that recently unfolded.
In this authentic and genuine place Matteo is drawn by his passion for the rare and prestigious profession of coffee roasting. He formulates recipes and experiments with roasting and blending. After 40 years of work he leaves the café to Barbero Marco, who continues with the sale of "black espresso coffee". Matteo's art, along with his advice and his secrets, has been passed down to us and we aim to safeguard the ancient artisanal knowledge and combine it with the Vertiflow Roasting System. The result is Reversecoffee: 5 high quality coffee blends; a precious treasure to share.
We take care in selecting the raw material, we roast the beans using innovative techniques to safeguard their properties and we blend them to give you various flavours. There is a world of taste in every coffee: from roasted hazelnut to candied fruit to intense dark chocolate.

Coffee in history

Where was the first open air coffee roasting in history? Do the origins of the culture of coffee lie in the East or the West? What are the most widely spread varieties of coffee in the world?

Retrace with us the most important milestones throughout history and, with the use of a dynamic map, discover the details of the exportation of coffee from Brazil to Ethiopia.

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Curiosity and advice

A good coffee improves attention and memory, reduces cardiovascular risks, improves physical performance and improves mood. Discover all the beneficial effects of coffee.

On top of this, coffee is also a pleasant break: follow the 5 Ms rule to prepare unique coffees, whether at home or in the bar. The blend, obviously, is Reversecoffee.

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